姓名 | 周杰 | 性别 | 男 |
出生年月 | 1968年 | 出生地 | ||
毕业院校 | 南开大学 | 毕业时间 | 1990年 | |
最高学历 | 博士 | 职务/职称 | 教授/杰青 | |
研究方向 | 模式识别与图像处理 | |||
所在单位 | 清华大学 |
周杰,清华大学自动化系主任,教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者。现担任中国自动化学会副秘书长兼教育工作委员会主任、中国人工智能学会模式识别专业委员会副主任、模式识别国家重点实验室学术委员会委员等职务,是多家国际国内学术刊物的编委。研究方向包括模式识别、计算机视觉、数据分析与挖掘等,在国内外学术刊物及国际会议上发表论文150多篇,其中IEEE期刊30多篇(其中IEEE T-PAMI长文10篇);已获授权美国发明专利6项、中国发明专利16项。
(1)Z. Fan, J. Zhou and Y. Wu, “Multibody Grouping by Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High-Dimensional Data Using Oriented-Frames”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28(1):.91-105, 2006.
(2)D. Wan and J. Zhou, “Fingerprint Recognition Using Model-based Density Map”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing, 15(6): 1690-1696, 2006.
(3)J. Gu , J. Zhou, and Chunyu Yang, “Fingerprint Recognition by Combining Global Structure and Local Cues”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing, 15(7): 1952-1964, 2006.
(4)J. Zhou, D. Gao, and D. Zhang, “Robust Moving Vehicle Detection for Automatic Traffic Monitoring”, IEEE Trans. On Vehicular Technology, 56(1), Jan, 2007.
(5)C. Yang, and J. Zhou, “A comparative study of combining multiple enrolled samples for fingerprint verification”, Pattern Recognition, 39(11): 2115-2130, 2006.
(6)J. Zhou, and J. Gu, “A Model-based Method for the Computation of Fingerprints Orientation Field”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing, 13(6): 821-835, 2004.
(7)J. Zhou and J. Gu, “Modeling Orientation Field of Fingerprints with Rational Complex Functions”, Pattern Recognition, 37(2): 389-391, 2004.
(8)J. Gu, J. Zhou, and D. Zhang, “A combination Model for orientation Field of fingerprints”, Pattern Recognition, 37(3): 543-553, 2004.
(9)J. Zhou, L. Xin, and D. Zhang, “Scale-orientation histogram for texture image retrieval”, Pattern Recognition, 36(4): 1061-1063, 2003.
(10)D. Zhang, H. Peng, J. Zhou, and S. K. Pal, “A Novel Face Recognition System Using Hybrid Neural and Dual Eigenspaces Methods”, IEEE Trans. On SMC, Part A, 32(6), 2002.