

2017年02月20日   来源:     



姓名 沈一栋 性别
出生年月 出生地
毕业院校 重庆大学 毕业时间 1991年
最高学历 博士 职务/职称 教授/实验室主任
研究方向 数据挖掘与人工智能
所在单位 中国科学院软件研究所计算机科学国家重点实验室


  沈一栋,中国科学院软件研究所研究员、博士生导师,2013年起任计算机科学实验室主任及其国家重点实验室常务副主任。1991年获重庆大学计算机科学博士学位,1992-1993年法国Valenciennes理工学院博士后,1995-1996年美国Maryland大学高级计算机研究所访问学者,1998-2002年加拿大Alberta大学和Simon Fraser大学计算机系访问教授。1993-2002年任重庆大学教授,2002年起任中科院软件所研究员,2011年起任澳大利亚Griffith大学兼职教授。1998年入选国家人事部百千万人才工程第一、二层次人选,1999年入选教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划。


  1、负责国家973计划课题: 网络大数据的表示、度量与语义理解

  2、负责国家自然科学基金课题: 通用型回答集程序关键问题研究


  在数据挖掘方面,提出了基于utility的关联规则挖掘方法,多源异构大数据的采样、特征选择、以及度量学习模型,更新式Web文档自动摘要模型等;在人工智能知识表达与推理方面,提出了语义Web本体数据与规则的集成模型,通用回答集逻辑程序的语义模型,贝叶斯逻辑程序的递归循环处理方法, 逻辑程序可终止性的动态判定方法, 以及逻辑程序的linear tabling推理方法等。主要成果发表在一流国际学术期刊和会议,包括Artificial Intelligence (AIJ),ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI),The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI),The ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM),The International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 等。


  • Yi-Dong Shen and Thomas Eiter (2016) Evaluating Epistemic Negation in Answer Set Programming. Artificial Intelligence 237: 115-135.
  • Lian Wen, Kewen Wang, Yi-Dong Shen and Fangzhen Lin (2016) A Model for Phase Transition of Random Answer Set Programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 17 (3).
  • Lei Shi and Yi-Dong Shen (2016) Diversifying Convex Transductive Experimental Design for Active Learning. The Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16), New York, USA, July 2016.
  • Liang Du and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) Unsupervised Feature Selection with Adaptive Structure Learning. The Twenty-First ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-15), Sydney, Australia, August 2015.
  • Hanmo Wang, Liang Du, Lei Shi, Peng Zhou and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) Experimental Design With Multiple Kernels. The Fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-15), Atlantic City, USA, November 2015. (REGULAR paper, acceptance rate 9%)
  • Peng Zhou, Liang Du and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) An LLE based Heterogeneous Metric Learning for Crossmedia Retrieval. The Fifteenth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM-15), Vancouver, Canada, April 2015.
  • Peng Zhou, Liang Du, Hanmo Wang, Lei Shi and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) Learning a Robust Consensus Matrix for Clustering Ensemble via Kullback-Leibler Divergence Minimization. The Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2015.
  • Peng Zhou, Liang Du, Lei Shi, Hanmo Wang and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) Recovery of Corrupted Multiple Kernels for Clustering.The Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2015.
  • Liang Du, Lei Shi, Peng Zhou, Hanmo Wang and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) Robust Multiple Kernel K-means.The Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2015.
  • Jianfeng Du, Kewen Wang and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) Towards Tractable and Practical ABox Abduction over Inconsistent Description Logic Ontologies.The Twenty-Nineth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), Austin, Texas, USA, January 2015.
  • Hanmo Wang, Liang Du, Peng Zhou, Lei Shi and Yi-Dong Shen (2015) Convex Batch Mode Active Sampling via alpha-relative Pearson Divergence.The Twenty-Nineth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), Austin, Texas, USA, January 2015.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Kewen Wang, Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Christoph Redl, Thomas Krennwallner and Jun Deng (2014) FLP Answer Set Semantics without Circular Justifications for General Logic Programs.Artificial Intelligence 213:1-41.
  • Jianfeng Du, Kewen Wang and Yi-Dong Shen (2014) A Tractable Approach to ABox Abduction over Description Logic Ontologies.The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-14), Quebec City, Canada, July 2014: 1034-1040. (ORAL presentation paper)
  • Lei Shi, Shuming Shi, Chin-Yew Lin, Yi-Dong Shen, Yong Rui (2014) Unsupervised Template Mining for Semantic Category Understanding.The 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-14), Doha, Qatar, October 2014. (ORAL presentation paper)
  • Lei Shi, Liang Du and Yi-Dong Shen (2014) Robust Spectral Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection.The Fourteenth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-14), Shenzhen, China, December 2014: 977-982.
  • Liang Du and Yi-Dong Shen (2013) Towards Robust Co-clustering.The Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13), Beijing, China, August 2013: 1317-1322. (ORAL presentation paper, acceptance rate 195/1473 = 13%)
  • Liang Du, Zhiyong Shen, Xuan Li, Peng Zhou and Yi-Dong Shen (2013) Local and Global Discriminative Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection.The Thirteenth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-13), Dallas, USA, December 2013: 131-140. (REGULAR paper, acceptance rate 94/809 = 11.6%)
  • Xuan Li, Liang Du and Yi-Dong Shen (2013) Update Summarization via Graph-Based Sentence Ranking.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25(5): 1162-1174.
  • Jianfeng Du, Guilin Qi and Yi-Dong Shen (2013) Weight-based Consistent Query Answering over Inconsistent SHIQ Knowledge Bases.Knowledge and Information Systems 34(2):335-371.
  • Yi-Dong Shen and Kewen Wang (2012) FLP Semantics without Circular Justifications for General Logic Programs.The Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), Toronto, Canada, July 2012: 821-827. Slides
  • Liang Du, Xuan Li and Yi-Dong Shen (2012) Robust Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via Half-Quadratic Minimization.The Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-12), Brussels, Belgium, December 2012: 201-210. (REGULAR paper, acceptance rate 81/756 = 10.7%)
  • Jianfeng Du, Guilin Qi, Yi-Dong Shen and Jeff Pan (2012) Towards Practical ABox Abduction in Large Description Logic Ontologies.International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 8(2):1-33.
  • Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan, Yi-Dong Shen and Minyi Zhang (2012) The Loop Formula Based Semantics of Description Logic Programs.Theoretical Computer Science 415:60-85.
  • Jia-Huai You, Yi-Dong Shen and Kewen Wang (2012) Well-Supported Semantics for Logic Programs with Generalized Rules. in:Correct Reasoning - Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honour of Vladimir Lifschitz, LNCS 7265:576-591.
  • Chenyan Xiong, T. F. Wang, W. K. Ding, Yi-Dong Shen and T. Y. Liu, (2012) Relational Click Prediction for Sponsored Search.The Fifth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM-12), Seattle, USA, February 2012:493-502.
  • Yi-Dong Shen and Kewen Wang (2011) Extending Logic Programs with Description Logic Expressions for the Semantic Web.The Tenth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-11), Bonn, Germany, October 2011:633-648.
  • Yi-Dong Shen (2011) Well-Supported Semantics for Description Logic Programs.The Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011:1081-1086. (ORAL presentation paper, acceptance rate 227/1325 = 17%)
  • Jianfeng Du, Guilin Qi, Yi-Dong Shen and Jeff Pan (2011) Towards Practical ABox Abduction in Large OWL DL Ontologies.The Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11), San Francisco, USA, August 2011:1160-1165.
  • Xuan Li, Liang Du and Yi-Dong Shen (2011) Graph-Based Marginal Ranking for Update Summarization.The Eleventh SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM-11), Arizona, USA, April 2011:486-497.
  • Nengfa Zhou, Yi-Dong Shen and Jia-Huai You (2011) Compiling Answer Set Programs into Event-Driven Action Rules.The Eleventh International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR-11), Vancouver, Canada, May 2011:376-381.
  • Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan and Yi-Dong Shen (2010) Loop Formulas for Description Logic Programs.Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 10(4-6):531-545.
  • Jun Sun, W. B. Zhao, J. W. Xue, Zhiyong Shen and Yi-Dong Shen (2010) Clustering with Feature Order Preferences.Intelligent Data
  • Xuan Li, Yi-Dong Shen, Liang Du and Chenyan Xiong (2010) Exploiting Novelty, Coverage and Balance for Topic-Focused Multi-Document Summarization.The Nineteenth ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-10), Toronto, Canada, October 2010:1765-1768.
  • Zhiyong Shen, Liang Du, X. K. Shen, and Yi-Dong Shen (2010) Interval-Valued Matrix Factorization with Applications.The Tenth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-10), Sydney, Australia, December 2010:1037-1042.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Danny De Schreye and D. Voets (2009) Termination Prediction for General Logic Programs.Theory and Practice of Logic
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Jia-Huai You and Li-Yan Yuan (2009) Characterizations of Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programs with Arbitrary Constraint Atoms.Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 9(4):529-564.
  • Jianfeng Du, Guilin Qi, Jeff Pan and Yi-Dong Shen (2009) A Decomposition-based Approach to Optimizing Conjunctive Query Answering in OWL DL.The 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-09), Washington D.C., USA, October 2009:146-162.
  • Zhiyong Shen, P. Luo, Jun Sun and Yi-Dong Shen (2009) Topic Modeling for Sequences of Temporal Activities.The Ninth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-09), Florida, USA, December 2009:980-985.
  • Jun Sun, Zhiyong Shen, Bai Su and Yi-Dong Shen (2009) Regularized Local Reconstruction for Clustering.The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-09), Bangkok, Thailand, April 2009:110-121.
  • Yi-Dong Shen and Jia-Huai You (2009) A Default Approach to Semantics of Logic Programs with Constraint Atoms.The Tenth International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR-09), Potsdam, Germany, September 2009:277-289.
  • Yi-Dong Shen (2008) Reasoning with Recursive Loops under the PLP Framework.ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 9(4):27:1-31.
  • Nengfa Zhou, T. Sato and Yi-Dong Shen (2008) Linear Tabling Strategies and Optimizations.Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 8(1):81-109.
  • Jianfeng Du and Yi-Dong Shen (2008) Computing Minimum Cost Diagnoses to Repair Populated DL-based Ontologies.The Seventeenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW-08), Beijing, China, April 2008:565-574.
  • Jun Sun, Zhiyong Shen, H. Li and Yi-Dong Shen (2008) Clustering Via Local Regression.The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD-08), Antwerp, Belgium, September 2008:456-471.
  • Jun Sun, W. B. Zhao, J. W. Xue, Zhiyong Shen and Yi-Dong Shen (2008) Clustering with Feature Order Preferences.The Tenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-08), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008:382-393. (Best Student Paper Runner-Up Award)
  • Zhiyong Shen, Jun Sun and Yi-Dong Shen (2008) Collective Latent Dirichlet Allocation.The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-08), Pisa, Italy, December 2008:1019-1024.
  • Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan, Guohua Liu and Yi-Dong Shen (2007) Logic Programs with Abstract Constraints: Representation, Disjunction, and Complexities.The Ninth International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR-07), Arizona, USA, May 2007:228-240.
  • Yi-Dong Shen and Jia-Huai You (2007) A Generalized Gelfond-Lifschitz Transformation for Logic Programs with Abstract Constraints.The Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), Vancouver, Canada, July 2007:483-488. (This paper was selected for both oral and special poster presentations (Details), acceptance rate 47/921 = 5%).
  • Yi-Dong Shen and Qiang Yang (2005) Deriving a Stationary Dynamic Bayesian Network from a Logic Program with Recursive Loops.The Fifteenth International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-05), Bonn, Germany, August 2005.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Jia-Huai You and Li-Yan Yuan (2004) Enhancing Global SLS-Resolution with Loop Cutting and Tabling Mechanisms.Theoretical Computer Science 328(3):271-287.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Zhiyong Shen, Shimin Zhang and Qiang Yang (2004) Cluster Cores-based Clustering for High Dimensional Data.The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-04), Brighton, UK, November 2004.
  • Nengfa Zhou, Yi-Dong Shen and T. Sato (2004) Semi-naive Evaluation in Linear Tabling.The Sixth ACM-SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP-04), Verona, Italy, August 2004.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan, S. P. Shen and Qiang Yang (2003) A Dynamic Approach to Characterizing Termination of General Logic Programs.ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 4(4):417-430.
  • R. Chan, Qiang Yang and Yi-Dong Shen (2003) Mining High Utility Itemsets.The Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-03), Florida, USA, November 2003.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Qiang Yang, Zhong Zhang and Hongjun Lu (2003) Mining the Customer’s Up-To-Moment Preferences for E-Commerce Recommendation.The Seventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-03), Seoul, Korea, May 2003.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Zhong Zhang and Qiang Yang (2002) Objective-Oriented Utility-Based Association Mining.The Second IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-02), Maebashi City, Japan, December 2002.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Li-Yan Yuan, and Jia-Huai You (2002) SLT-Resolution for the Well-Founded Semantics.Journal of Automated Reasoning 28(1):53-97.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Li-Yan Yuan, and Jia-Huai You (2001) Loop Checks for Logic Programs with Functions.Theoretical Computer Science 266(1-2):441-461.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Li-Yan Yuan, Jia-Huai You and Nengfa Zhou (2001) Tabulated Resolution Based on Prolog Control Strategy.Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 1(1):71-103.
  • Nengfa Zhou, Yi-Dong Shen, Li-Yan Yuan and Jia-Huai You (2001) Implementation of Linear-Tabling Mechanisms.Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 2001(10):1-17.
  • Yi-Dong Shen, Li-Yan Yuan, Jia-Huai You and Nengfa Zhou (1999) Linear Tabulated Resolution for the Well-Founded Semantics.The Fifth International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR-99), Texas, USA, December 1999.
  • Yi-Dong Shen (1997) An Extended Variant of Atoms Loop Check for Positive Logic Programs.New Generation Computing 15(2):187-204.
  • Yi-Dong Shen (1996) Verifying Local Stratifiability of Logic Programs and Databases II.New Generation Computing 14(3):317-341.
  • Yi-Dong Shen (1992) Verifying Local Stratifiability of Logic Programs and Databases.New Generation Computing 11(1):23-46.


